Career Center
The Athens Area HBA provides opportunities for members to interact, connect and find great talent. We hope that you will attend events at the AAHBA. All AAHBA events are listed on our calendar.
Available Jobs
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Available Candidates
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To find an industry professional, visit our Member Directory.
All job posting ads are placed for a 30-day period and may be renewed for additional 30-day periods as needed. Please see the pricing and submission information below. To post a job opening, please email
Pricing for Athens Area Home Builders Association
First Ad: FREE
Additional Ads in the Same 30-Day Period: FREE
To renew an ad, you must call or email during the 30-day posting period for it to remain online without interruption.
Pricing for Non-Members
First Ad: $50 (New Placement) | $25 (Renewal)
Additional Ads in the Same 30-Day Period: $25 (New Placement) | $15 (Renewal)
Payment is required for the first five ads submitted at the same time. All additional ads submitted with the first five will be posted free of charge. To renew an ad, you must call or email during the 30-day posting period. Any renewal requests received after the expiration of the initial 30-day posting period will be treated as new placements.
Post your Resume
Please email your resume to in a PDF format.